- Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, (Since 2004)
Title of Lessons:
- Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, (2006, 2010-2011)
- 1- Nonlinear Analysis 2- Ordinary and Singular Integral equations 3- The theory of partial differential equations
Content of Lessons:
- Fuzzy Sets theory and its applications, Fuzzy Calculus, Ordinary and Singular Integral equations
- Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, (Since2004)
Title of Lessons:
- Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, (2008-2012)
- 1-Advanced Numerical Analysis 2-Numerical linear Algebra 3-Numerical Solution of Integral Equations 4-Numerical Solution of partial differential equations 5- Numerical Solution of ordinary differential equations 6- Research Method
Title of Lessons:
- Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, (2006-2009)
- 1-Advanced Numerical Analysis 2- Numerical Solution of Integral Equations 3- Numerical Solution of ordinary differential equations
Title of Lessons:
- 1-Advanced Numerical Analysis 2-Numerical linear Algebra 3-Numerical Solution of Integral Equations 4-Numerical Solution of partial differential equations
- Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch (Since 1998)
Title of Lessons:
- Qom University (2002-2004)
- Pre-university Mathematics, General Mathematics 1, Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Numerical Analysis 1, Numerical Analysis 2, Numerical Computations, Fuzzy Mathematics, Integral Equations, Computer Simulation, Algorithms Design, Data Structure, Fundamental of Computer, Graph theory, Mathematics Education
Title of Lessons:
- Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch (2002-2003)
- Numerical Analysis 1, Application of Mathematics in Management
Title of Lessons:
- Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch (2004)
- Discrete Mathematics
Title of Lessons:
- Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch (2004-2009)
- Numerical Computations
Title of Lessons:
- University of Water and Electricity industry (2003-2004)
- General Mathematics 1, Numerical Computations, Engineering Mathematics ,Differential Equations
Title of Lessons:
- Discrete Structures
- Shahid Motahari high school (Tehran, Region 13)
- Elmieh high school (Tehran, Region 12)
- Allameh high school (Tehran, Region 7)
- Ebne Sina high school (Tehran, Region 2)
- Razi high school (Tehran, Region 11)
- Iran Zamin high school (Tehran, Region 3)
- Andishmand high school (Tehran, Region 1)
- Dr. Hesabi high school (Tehran, Region 3)
- Hedayat Scientific Institute, Tehran
- Arvand Scientific Institute, Tehran
- Razi Scientific Institute, Tehran
- Pooyesh Scientific Institute, Tehran
- Modern Scientific Institute, Tehran
- Dadeh Pardazi corporation, Tehran
- Educational Complex of Petroleum Industry, Tehran
Title of Lessons:
- Geometry, Modern mathematics, Analysis and Algebra, Arithmetic and Algebra, Trigonometry, Discrete mathematics, Algebra & Probability, Pre-university Mathematics, General Mathematics